5 teeth-enhancing treatments that will help your smile shine

We’re passionate about providing quality dental services at AP Smilecare, whether it’s general dental treatments or cosmetic procedures. We believe everyone deserves a healthy smile that makes you feel confident and beautiful.

There are various methods to achieve your dream smile, and we simply need to find the one best suited to what you’re looking for. So, let’s look at five of the treatments we offer here at AP Smilecare and explore what they entail.

Dentures and false teeth

Dentures or false teeth fit comfortably over the gums and can help restore your smile to its former glory and give you the confidence you deserve. They not only help you eat, but they can also help with speech problems caused by missing teeth. There are a few options for false teeth, such as complete or partial dentures. Complete dentures, or a full denture as the name suggests, is a complete set of removable teeth to replace your top and bottom natural teeth. Partial dentures, however, can just be one or two teeth.

If you’re already a dentures wearer, you may have noticed that your gums have flattened over time making your current dentures ill-fitting. Don’t worry though, we can offer a number of solutions to help improve how a denture can fit in your mouth. At AP Smilecare, we have various denture plans with different price points so you can find a plan to suit your smile and your wallet!

Dental implants

If you’ve suffered through tooth loss or irreparable damage to a tooth, you’ll be aware that it can affect much more than the aesthetic of your smile. Eating can become more complicated and painful, and your self-esteem can take a hit, but at AP Smilecare, we won’t just bring back your smile; we’ll bring back your confidence. Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth seamlessly, whether just a single tooth or a few. The implant is a titanium root placed into the jawbone, creating an indistinguishable result from the real thing! These implants give you everything you need to chew and smile as you would with natural teeth, and can support your mouth and lips, giving shape to your cheeks.

Braces and adult braces

When it comes to straightening teeth, we know braces can be intimidating – especially for adults. However, that need not be the case! At our clinic, we offer a variety of different and discreet options that are just as effective as a classic brace. Some of the brace options we offer include:

Invisalign and clear brace options

Invisalign is the treatment most people are probably familiar with when it comes to discreet braces and it’s the world’s safest! The treatment consists of clear aligners that fit invisibly over your teeth, which create a gentle pressure that can design the smile you want in as little as six to twelve months.

Incognito Lingual Braces

Incognito lingual braces function in the same way as normal braces, expect for the fact that they’re hidden away on the back of your teeth. That way you can have all the benefits of a classic brace without any of the insecurity that they can cause, especially for adults.

Tooth Coloured Braces

Another alternative to classic braces is tooth-coloured braces. This is one of our most cost-effective treatments; unnoticeable tooth-coloured braces give you a beautiful smile without straining your finances. Still, all of our braces come with affordable monthly finance options, meaning that whatever your income, your perfect smile is never too far away!

Teeth whitening

There are few more straightforward ways to get a dazzling smile than with a teeth whitening treatment. If you’ve always wanted A-lister pearly whites, we’re pleased to say they may only be three days away! As we age, it’s not uncommon for people to see their teeth darken from stains from drinking tea, coffee, wine, smoking, etc. But with our teeth whitening treatments, you’ll see results after just one use. It’s simple and painless, and you’ll have complete control, meaning you can take your teeth to your desired shade of white!

This treatment isn’t only reserved for those who don’t have sensitive teeth either; unlike many other clinics, we use a combination of peroxides to maximise your teeth’s whiteness in the shortest possible time, all while taking extra care not to damage sensitive teeth.

Smile makeover

A smile makeover is the ideal solution if you’re unhappy with any part of your smile. Whether you’d like to improve the shape, colour, or even the length of your teeth, there’s no need to feel insecure or unhappy with any aspect of your smile because we can handle it all. We can even enhance the appearance of your gums and lips to complement your smile in a way that makes you feel confident!

Before we get started on your new smile we’ll:

At AP Smilecare our goal is to provide you with a personalised and comprehensive plan that outlines all of your treatment options and costs so that you can make an informed decision about the perfect smile solution. We’re committed to delivering top-notch dental care that will leave you smiling from ear to ear!

If you’re interested in learning more about any of our teeth-enhancing treatments, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team. We’ll be more than happy to help you figure out what’s best for you and your smile in a relaxed and comfortable environment you can trust. If you have any questions regarding our treatments or want to book an appointment – get in touch with our friendly team via 01254 297 000 or pop into our Blackburn clinic, and we’ll be more than happy to help you start your smile journey!