The benefits of water on your skin

If you’re dreaming of better, more radiant skin, there’s one simple measure you can take to achieve that healthy glow – by drinking water and lots of it!

We’ve all heard that drinking water is good for our skin, but how much do you really need and what exactly are the benefits of drinking H20? That’s exactly what we’ll be finding out in today’s blog…

At AP Skincare we help hundreds of patient achieve that happy, healthy glow with skincare treatments and products tailored to a number of skin types.

One thing we always advise to all our clients is the role water has in maintaining successful skin – ensuring it looks it best whatever your age or however tired you may be.

Wonderful water: Top 5 facts and benefits

While eight cups per day is recommended by national guidelines, not all of this water must be consumed in the liquid form – nearly every food also has water content for example, fruit and soups.

Soft drinks, coffee and tea may all be fluids but they’re certainly not equal to water when it comes to skin and healthcare benefits. While made up almost entirely of water, they also contain caffeine.

Caffeine can act as a mild diuretic, preventing water from travelling to necessary locations in the body – having the opposite effect to that you intended.

Water helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing the metabolism and regulating appetite. It’s key to drink with meals and in between meals to keep your metabolism up and prevent those hunger pangs!

Water leads to increased energy levels. Often, that mid-afternoon slump is a result of dehydration, made worse by caffeinated drinks. Keep that water sipping up throughout the day though and you will notice dramatic results in your energy levels.

Water naturally moisturises skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath the layers of skin – which is what gives it that healthy, glowing appearance. We think that’s the perfect reason to go and get another glass…

Combining regular water intake with moisturisers

While water has a number of benefits for both your skin and overall wellbeing, it doesn’t actually hydrate the outer layer of your skin.

So if you have conditions such as dry or flaky skin, you’ll need to incorporate a good moisturiser into your routine to lock in moisture and form a protective barrier against the harsh elements.

We have a number of moisturisers that treat problem skin, repair and stimulate skin that needs hydration and protect your skin from harsh environmental elements.

Here are just some of the products you may want to try or enquire about:

Flavo – C skincare range – for increasing hydration and protecting your skin with a high level of Vitamin C

Flavo – C skincare range of products

Enodocare – for older skin that needs hydration; it smoothes skin and reduces pores, leaving you with a luminous face and décolleté.Endocare skin rejuvenation products

To find out about any of our skincare services and treatments, or any products within the AP Skincare range, give us a call on 01254 297 000

Alternatively, we have lots of guidance on the website – so you can always just browse our Skincare Treatments section.

Have you recently upped your water intake? If so, what impact did it have on your skin and overall wellbeing? Tell us in the comments below or tweet us @APSkincare_