How do environmental factors affect our skin?

It’s not just our skincare regime and diet that affects our skin. The environment we live in also affects our skin. From exposure to the sun to harsh, wintery conditions, every day brings new challenges for our skin to overcome.

Skin and the sun

skin and the sun

Exposure to ultraviolet light can severely damage the skin – leading to short-term damage and long-term changes in the texture and appearance of the skin. When we expose our skin to the sun – without adequate protection – our skin’s cells become damaged.

This damage can result in:

AP Skincare solution: Skin Pigmentation Treatments

If exposure to the sun has left you with skin pigmentation, why not enquire about our Skin Pigmentation Treatments? Specially tailored to your skin, our range of solutions can treat age spots, scarring and more.

Skin in the winter

skincare in winter

It’s not just the sun that affects our skin. Harsh temperatures and windy conditions, common in the winter months, can also play havoc with our skin. During the winter season, you’ll usually find that skin becomes dry and itchy. This can become worse when exposed to elements like central heating in the home.

AP Skincare solution: EDermaroller Collagen Therapy

Our EDermaroller Collagen Therapy is a great way to revitalise dull and dehydrated winter skin. The treatment gives the skin back hydration and radiance – leaving it looking good and feeling great.

Skin in the city

skincare living in urban areas

Wherever you reside, you’re sure to be exposed to pollution on a daily basis. Of course, the levels of pollution are higher in major cities – putting those that live in cities at risk of problematic skin.

Dust in the air can clog pores and increase bacteria on the face. This can lead to acne and spots. Chemical pollutants are a real risk too – interfering with the skin’s natural protection system. These pollutants break down the skin’s oils, leaving your skin dry and subject to ageing.

AP Skincare solution: Derma-Facials and Chemical Peels

Our Derma-Facials and Chemical Peels help keep skin healthy. They can instantly plump your skin’s structure and add moisture while tackling all the other common signs of ageing.

Climate changes and the skin

Taking a break and getting away on holiday can be great for your mental health, but a sudden change in climate can irritate your skin. Likewise, central heating in winter confuses the skin while dry, air conditioned environments in summer can take their toll on our skin too.

To protect skin at all times, in all environments, we recommend our Essential Everyday Heliocare range. This fantastic skincare range helps protect the skin against harsh environmental factors, minimising damage, and helps to repair skin’s DNA. The Heliocare moisturiser also comes with SPF 50, protecting against everyday UV attack.

What skincare products do you use to protect your skin from harsh environments? Share your skincare favourites with us over on Twitter @APSkincare_