The biggest mistakes people make with Korean skincare (Part 1)
If you’re a keen follower of ours here at AP Skincare, you might have heard us talk about Korean skincare before on the blog; back in the summer, we took a look at why it’s become so popular across the UK. In short, a big part of why it’s capturing the hearts of so many is that it’s all about prevention, rather than necessarily treatment. It’s preventative, rather than reactive. Having said that, Korean skincare can be quite hard for many people to get right, which affects the kind of results they’re able to experience. Here are some of the biggest mistakes we often see customers making!
Making radical changes to your skincare regime
While it might sometimes seem like a good idea to switch up your entire skincare routine and products, doing it all at once can be a bit of a shock to the system! Instead, we’d recommend making the change more gradual, giving your skin time to adjust. A good way to start is to gradually replace individual products in your skincare routine with K-beauty equivalents, giving them a short trial period to make sure they work and react well with your skin.
Misinterpreting Korean beauty terms
“Do your research” isn’t exactly the most exciting phrase in the world, but trust us when we say that it’s important when it comes to your skin. It’s particularly vital if you’re delving into the world of Korean skincare, as there are subtle differences in the terminology which can end up having dramatically different effects. For example, many people mix up brightening products with lightening products. They might sound the same, but they’re not! (In case you’re curious: skin lightening creams reduce the melanin pigmentation in a certain area on the skin, whereas brightening products aim to remove dull skin cells for more radiant, glowing skin.)
Make sure you know exactly what each term means before you start picking anything off those shelves; just because it’s worked for your friend doesn’t automatically mean it’ll work well for you, especially if you’re aiming for a different look altogether!
Not double-cleansing
Proper cleansing is absolutely vital to an effective skincare regime, and it’s especially essential to Korean skincare. Just rubbing your face with a single cleansing wipe isn’t always enough – experts in Korean skincare usually call for a thorough double-cleansing. This is because unless you’re double cleansing, you may not be properly protecting yourself from all the dirt and impurities gathered from the air around you each day, as well as the oil and sebum your own skin produces throughout the day. (By the way, if you want our advice, most people find that an oil-based cleanser can bring great results, as water-based cleansers aren’t always capable of tackling sebum. Oil and water don’t mix!)
That’s not all – we’ve got more tips and advice in Part 2 of our blog, coming very soon! In the meantime, why not take a look through our own core skincare treatments here at AP Skincare? We’ve got decades of expertise and experience in bringing fantastic results for our customers, helping your skin to stay looking and feeling amazing. Feel free to pop into our Blackburn treatment centre to discuss what we can do for you, or just give us a call on 01254 297 000!