The 4 most common questions we’re asked about acne treatments

Over 90% of the UK population suffers with oily skin. This excess of oil can lead to breakouts of spots, as well as that shiny look to your face which you might notice as the day goes on. This can be a really sensitive issue for a lot of people, as overly oily skin is one of the most common causes of acne, particularly in teenagers and adolescents.

Here at AP Skincare, we’re often asked a lot of questions by people regarding whether they should consider acne treatment or not, what’s best for their skin, where to get treatment and so on. So, if you’re wondering about any of these points, then we’re here to help.

1. How will I know if I need acne treatment?

The story is often the same for a lot of the clients who come to us looking for effective acne treatment – frequently, this includes people who’ve who still aren’t getting the results they want from over-the-counter treatments. Moreover, people often feel like they’re at an impasse, and are really struggling to maintain a healthy, clear complexion.

If you’re one of these people, and you suffer from severe inflammatory acne, you’ll have much better results with an experienced dermatologist guide you through a treatment process. Acne can pop up seemingly everywhere, from your back, chest, and shoulders, so by booking an appointment with one of our trained dermatologists, you’ll massively improve the odds that you’ll be able to identify and properly treat your acne symptoms.

2. Can I find effective acne treatments in the supermarket?

Over-the-counter treatments are often the go-to choice for anyone encountering acne symptoms for the first time, and it’s definitely a good place to start! When selecting a good store bought treatment, it is all about the ingredients, and the three ingredients to look for are retinol, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid, as these help to promote exfoliation of the skin, and cell turnover which unclogs the pores.

However, these treatments aren’t full proof though, and many will only provide temporary relief for what can often turn out to be a long term issue. If you’ve used store bought acne products, consistently, for several months and your acne still won’t go away, then that’s a good indication that it could be time to move on to a more structured approach.

3. Will I require a surgical procedure to treat acne?

In short, probably not. It’s very unlikely that an acne outbreak would ever require surgical intervention. In these extreme cases, surgery is performed in partnership with a well structured skincare plan, and is only really considered as a last resort if all else fails to treat your outbreak. In the event of surgical intervention being required, your treatment may come in the form of a variety of different techniques, including dermabrasion, cryotherapy, and laser resurfacing, among others.

4. What kind of Acne treatments do AP Skincare offer?

Here at AP Skincare, we offer a comprehensive range of natural treatments, which are suitable for both teenagers and adults alike. We provide medical-grade skincare, which is an effective way of repairing damaged skin and helping to restore skin to full health, and we have over 15 years of experience in delivering effective skincare results through the ZO skincare range.

The majority of our clients benefit from our ZO skin range, which is designed to return the skin to a healthy state. We approach customer care holistically, and with our healthcare background we can approach each customers needs in different ways by assessing their general lifestyle, and medical health.

We talk our clients through the remedies that would benefit their individual situation and recommend a bespoke combination of ZO products that best target their issues. As an added bonus, we always offer review appointments to ensure out customers are fully satisfied!

Those are just a few of the most common questions we get here at AP Skincare regarding acne treatment. If you have any more of your own however, or you’re looking to book a consultation, feel free to get in touch on  01254 297 000, or pop into our skincare clinic in Blackburn. We’re always happy to help!