What you need know to about our same-day smile service

Are you unhappy with your smile? Do you have stains, chips, or gaps that make you feel self-conscious? If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel insecure about their teeth and wish they could have a Hollywood-worthy smile. But what if we told you that you could get the smile of your dreams in just one day? At AP Smilecare, we offer a Same Day Smile treatment with dental componeers (composite veneers), an amazing alternative to more costly solutions that can transform your smile in just one visit to our office.

Dental componeers vs composite bonding

You may have heard the term composite bonding, it’s all the rage these days and for good reason, and while it’s similar to componeers, they aren’t technically the same thing. Allow us to explain.

Composite bonding by definition is when a composite resin is attached to a tooth to shape or mould it back into its original form. The colour of the resin is matched to the colour of your teeth to create a completely undetectable and natural-looking tooth.

Componeers, also known as composite veneers, are a cosmetic dental treatment that involves applying thin layers of composite resin to the front surface of your teeth creating a complete veneer rather than fixing small cracks or chips.

Benefits of a Same Day Smile

These days, it can be hard to find the time, never mind the funds, to get extensive dental treatments completed. With work, school, family arrangements and everything else, sometimes finding the spare time to go backwards and forwards from your dentist’s office just isn’t on the cards. That’s what prompted us to offer Same Day Smiles, but the benefits don’t stop at the time saved, some of the other benefits of this amazing treatment include:

It’s really that simple, and you can have your perfect smile in a matter of hours. After the procedure, our cosmetic dentists will provide you with aftercare instructions to help you maintain your new smile, and you’ll be on your way!

Are you ready to transform your smile in just one day? At AP Smilecare, we’re committed to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams comfortably and conveniently. If you have any questions regarding this or any of our other treatments or want to book an appointment, get in touch with our friendly team via 01254 297 000 or pop into our Blackburn clinic, and we’ll be more than happy to help you start your smile journey!