How to get back that glow

Glowing, radiant skin… while it’s on most of our wish lists, sometimes age gets in the way. If you’ve been dreaming of bright, healthy, moisturised skin but still haven’t found the solution, AP Skincare is here to help. With our fantastic anti-ageing treatments and skincare solutions, along with our medigrade skincare products, we can have your skin glowing in no time.

Tackle dull, ageing skin with these top tips

How to get back that glow on your skin

As we age, our skin starts to dull – and while you can’t control you age you can control the factors that accelerate it. There are so many ways to improve your ageing skin and the techniques are best used in combination with each other. Instead of relying on just one thing, or a quick fix, we recommend a complete overhaul of your skincare regime.

  1. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate

Never underestimate the power of exfoliation. As you age, the turnover of skin cells slows. Dead skin cells pile up and as a result, your skin looks dull. A good facial exfoliator will help remove these dead skin cells and help keep your skin smooth and radiant. It’s that simple!

We recommend exfoliating every night with a gentle, medigrade product from our skincare range. You can explore our products or book a consultation with our team to discuss the perfect product for your ageing skin.


  1. Choose age-appropriate skincare products

From your 20s onwards, you’ll want to ensure you have a good skincare regime. The right products, featuring ingredients like ceramides, retinoids, and Vitamin C, will help ensure your skin has that youthful, dewy look and remains hydrated throughout the day.

Our Endocare skincare products and Retriderm skincare products are packed with hydrating ingredients, designed to slow down the anti-ageing process and ensure that lush luminosity.


  1. Treat skin with a course of facials

No matter how well you look after your skin, it’s always a good idea to give it a bit of a boost. A good facial, tailored to ageing skin, will help to revitalise and tone your face.

At AP Skincare, we offer a range of Anti-Ageing Facials and Chemical Peels. Both tackle the signs of ageing while our chemical peels are particularly good at cleansing, decongesting and hydrating the skin.

With all these treatments, we recommend a course of four to six and then a top-up treatment every six months.


  1. Transform ageing skin with Edermaroller Collagen Therapy

If you’re looking for the ultimate in anti-ageing skincare solutions, you’ll love our Edermaroller Collagen Therapy treatment. Ideal for anyone over 30, the rejuvenating treatment tackles the issues of dull, dehydrated and lined skin.

To get the full benefits of Edermaroller Collagen Therapy, we recommended a course of three treatments followed by a top-up treatment every six months. Like our facials, this treatment is non-invasive and works using medigrade skincare products to nourish, rejuvenate, and repair your skin.

If it’s the lack of volume and sagging skin that’s getting you down, why not treat yourself to our Non Surgery Face Lift? A favourite among top celebrities, it will have you looking and feeling great in no time!

What techniques and products have you used to restore that healthy glow? Share your tips and advice with us in the comments below or tweet us @APSkincare_