The Basics Of A Good Skincare Routine

With so many products and techniques on the market, sometimes it can be difficult to work out the best way to care for your skin. The tricky thing about is that everyone’s skin is different, which means there’s a certain amount of trial and error involve. But whatever your skin type, you always need to have some basics down!

Cleansing and Getting To Know Your Skin

washing face

Learning what your skin is like is the absolute bedrock of building your skincare routine, as what works for one person might not work for another! Unfortunately, there’s not really any shortcuts to finding out what your skin is like – the best way to do it is to try various products and see how well they work. The first step of a successful routine is cleansing, and you’ll need a different approach depending on your skin type:

Of course, it’s possible that you’re lucky enough for your skin not to lean too far towards any of these, in which case you’ve got a bit more freedom to experiment with which cleanser works for you.

The Next Steps In Your Skincare Routine

using facial toner

Toner is the very next step, as it removes any impurities that the cleanser didn’t quite catch. Use a cotton ball or pad to wipe upwards, starting at your neck. Then it’s time to deal with some of those millions of skin cells we shed every day. Occasionally, these cells build up on the skin’s surface, and can be a major cause of blackheads, acne or breakouts. Most people exfoliate two to three times a week, but again it’s mostly a matter of how your skin reacts. Once again, a gentle touch is almost always required

Whatever your age or skin type, all skin needs regular moisturising to keep it looking its best. This is another daily task, too, so make sure you’ve got a bit of time for it! It’s best to apply it while the skin is still damp. Suncreen is important too, even here in Britain! The sun’s rays can reflect from water, sand and snow, and takes as little as fifteen minutes to damage your skin. Especially at this time of year, with the summer gradually rolling in, protecting your skin from the sun is something you’ll want to keep an eye on.

Generally, most of our patients find that washing their faces only once or twice a day is enough. Any more – or if you do it with too much enthusiasm – you run the risk of damaging your skin or rubbing it raw. In the evenings, meanwhile, washing with a cleanser or gentle soap can help get rid of the last of the day’s dirt and makeup.

A Few Final Tips…

So to sum up:

You can also make your life tons easier if you wash and cleanse your face immediately after exercise, as sweat can clog your pores and worsen conditions like acne. And – some of our patients sometimes forget this – don’t wear makeup to bed! Makeup left on overnight can also clog your pores in exactly the same way, so your skin won’t thank you for it.

Of course, we can only provide some broad guidelines in this post. Ultimately, the most successful skincare routine will be the one you work out for yourself! In the meantime, we’ve got some other useful tips in our post about common skincare conditions and how to deal with them. If you need any other help or advice, or want to book an appointment, you can always speak to a friendly member of our team on 01282 297 000. We’re here to help!

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