New Year’s resolutions to improve your oral health
Started thinking about your New Year’s resolutions yet? If, like many, you’re looking to improve your health and wellbeing in 2017 – don’t neglect your teeth. There are plenty of simple resolutions you can make and keep to next year that will improve your oral health and make you feel great!
Buy a new toothbrush
If you hate the thought of committing to a New Year’s resolution, why not stick to something simple like buying a new toothbrush? There are some fantastic electric toothbrushes on the market today that are guaranteed to improve your oral health and smile. Best of all, it doubles up as a gift to yourself too – so it’s win-win!
Take up flossing
While the majority of us brush our teeth regularly, not everyone flosses their teeth. In fact, according to National Smile Month, less than a quarter of adults use dental floss regularly. If you’re one of the many that doesn’t regularly floss their teeth, 2017 is time to start.
Flossing your teeth helps to remove any plaque or food that has accumulated in between your teeth during the day. Unfortunately, even an electric toothbrush can’t get rid of everything. Flossing bridges the gap and ensures a complete clean.
Ditch the added-sugar
Going on a diet is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions – with 31% of adults saying they wanted to eat more healthily in a 2016 resolutions poll by YouGov. However, it’s quite an arbitrary resolution really. What does a diet actually entail?
To make things a little easier, we recommend you ditch the added sugar in foods and drinks. This means throwing away those sugary cereals and cordials and replacing processed foods with real, whole ingredient foods. This will not only improve the health of your smile – you’re guaranteed to lose a few pounds too while boosting your energy levels.
Quit smoking
Giving up tobacco is another popular New Year’s resolution. Smoking isn’t just bad for your lungs and overall health though, it can also harm your mouth in a number of ways. So, if you want to minimise tooth discolouration, gum disease and other oral cancers, say no to tobacco this coming year.
Tackle your fear of the dentist
A fear of the dentist is more common than you might think. In fact, around 50% of us experience some kind of anxiety when it comes to visiting the dentist.
If a fear of the dentist has put you off attending your appointments, make 2017 the year of change. At AP Smilecare, we offer treatments especially for those with dental phobias – from hypnosis to sedation. Contact the team on 01254 297 000 to find out more.
Improve your smile
New Year’s resolutions don’t have to put an extra restraint on your behaviours; they can help improve your life and wellbeing too. For example, treating yourself to monthly massages is just as valid a resolution as going on a diet.
When it comes to your oral health, why not make the resolution to improve your smile? Whether you’ve dreamed of brighter whiter teeth or always wanted a straighter smile, we can help. You can read all about our Teeth Whitening and Orthodontic Treatments on our website.
Are you new to AP Smilecare? If you’ve just joined or are looking to join for 2017, why not take a read of what you can expect from us.